AmeriCorps Services Available In Potter County

November 4th, 2024 Comments off

A window of opportunity has opened in Potter County to get help from a national program to address needs such as affordable housing, public health and safety, infrastructure improvements and others. Aidan Bobik, representing AmeriCorps, spoke at the Oct. 31 Potter County Commissioners’ meeting about services that are available from now through September 2025.

Bobik, who is headquartered in Ridgway, noted that community and economic development and housing are his top priorities as the AmeriCorps regional coordinator. AmeriCorps can provide organizations with funding, resources, and people power to help address community needs. These can take the form of:

  • grants to support the placement of AmeriCorps members and volunteers to deliver services.
  • assistance to identify and address community needs in areas such as education, health, housing, public safety, infrastructure improvements, expanded access to broadband and community/economic development.
  • support to implement strategies to address those needs.
  • assistance to strengthen volunteer management and recruitment.

AmeriCorps has recently expanded its support of economic development and employment. Members often work with local organizations on job training programs to help people acquire the skills needed to secure stable employment. They also support local government economic revitalization efforts. AmeriCorps VISTA members specifically focus on alleviating poverty by working to strengthen organizations that serve low-income individuals.

More details are available from Bobik at 814-773-3162, ext. 3016.

FEMA Funds Available For Flood Mitigation

October 23rd, 2024 Comments off

Individuals and households in Potter County who suffered property damage or loss in early August due to the remnants of Tropical Storm Debby are now eligible for additional assistance. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds have been released to pay for mitigation measures to prevent future flood losses. In addition, the U.S. Small Business Administration may now increase an approved disaster loan by 20 percent of the verified loss for any mitigation improvements made by business owners.

Homeowners who suffer losses from a presidentially-declared disaster and apply for FEMA assistance will be informed if they qualify for Home Repair Assistance that provides for:

  • Elevating a water heater or furnace to avoid future flood damage.
  • Elevating or moving an electrical panel to avoid flood damage.

More information on mitigation techniques can be found in a FEMA brochure, “Reducing Risk to Natural Hazards.” ( ) The brochure covers hazards from drought and earthquake to flood and wildfire.

Those taking mitigation measures are reminded that they may have to acquire township/borough permits and meet local codes and professional standards.

Draft Of County Improvement Plan Presented

October 12th, 2024 Comments off

Potter County Commissioners Nancy Grupp, Robert Rossman and Paul Heimel have continued to move forward on one of their most far-reaching County Government Improvement Initiatives: Short- and Long-Term Financial/Operational Management Planning. A public meeting was held recently at the Gunzburger Building to share initial findings by a consulting firm, Kafferlin Strategies of Warren County.

Last year, the commissioners qualified for a grant from the Pa. Dept. of Community and Economic Development to implement DCED’s Strategic Management Planning Program (STMP) in Potter County. Kafferlin was subsequently contracted to:

  • Review county fiscal management, administration, operations, policies and staffing.
  • Create short- and long-term financial plans and issue recommendations related to budgeting, capital projects, overall efficiency, risk management and opportunities for improvements.

Kafferlin Strategies partners Ben Kafferlin and Lisa Hagberg (above) presented their initial findings on Oct. 3. Next step is to incorporate input from county officials and the public into their report for final review and adoption by the Board of Commissioners. During the Oct. 3 session, Terri Cunkle, DCED’s local government policy specialist, said that the department offers grants to implement many of the improvements that are recommended in completed STMP programs.

Other elements of the Potter County Government Improvement Initiatives are:

Information Technology Upgrade

Goals: Improve functionality and security.

  • Assess current technological resources – servers, computers, software.
  • Review security/risk – firewalls, employee education.
  • Document retention improvements.
  • Training/employee education – ongoing.
  • Continuing review of best practices.

STATUS: Completed

Risk Management at Potter County Jail

Goal: In partnership with the Potter County Jail Board, retain the Pa. Counties Risk Pool (PCoRP) to conduct a comprehensive risk management review of the county jail and develop a plan to implement recommendations.

  • Engage an expert to study operations, facilities, policies and procedures and pinpoint areas that might increase the risk of litigation or other adverse outcomes at the jail (completed).
  • Refer findings to the Jail Board to prepare recommendations for full board (completed).
  • Continuing review of best practices (in progress).

STATUS:  Deputy Warden hired, as recommended. Implementation of other recommendations/best practices continuing.

Grant Writing/Administration

Goal: To make Potter County more competitive in qualifying for federal, state and foundational grants; to coordinate pursuit of grants with county departments and agencies, local governments, community organizations, regional agencies and other stakeholders.

  • Develop a strategic plan that will incorporate specialized training, an assessment of internal resources, and the development of partnerships in order to pursue grants to support county government and countywide initiatives, with potential to expand to grant-writing assistance to boroughs, townships, businesses and nonprofits.
  • Affiliation with professional grant-writing organizations, Northcentral Pa. Regional Planning and Development Commission/Grant Assistance Division, and other resources.

STATUS: In progress.

Update of Human Resources Policies

Goal: Engage a PCoRP risk management specialist to review county personnel policies and a broad spectrum of related issues.

STATUS: Review has been completed and findings submitted by consultant. Being implemented by county administration.

Strategic Economic and Community Development/”Revitalize Potter County”

Goal: Coordination, communication and unified long-term planning to implement high-priority community/economic development strategies identified in the Potter County Comprehensive Plan 2020-2029 to address population loss and youth outmigration.

  • Fill Community Development Coordinator vacancy and combine County Community Development and Planning/GIS Departments for shared administrative resources and day-to-day coordination as directed by the Board of Commissioners (completed).
  • Application to Pa. Council on the Arts for a multi-year Creative Communities for Community and Economic Development Grant (approved; Potter County Creative Council, a/k/a PC3, incorporated).
  • Application to Pa. Dept. of Economic and Community Development for Countywide Economic Revitalization Implementation Plan (application submitted).
  • Development of a Site Promotion Program for Business and Economic Growth (committee formed; work in progress).
  • Outreach to Potter County Redevelopment Authority, townships/boroughs, community organizations, regional agencies, employers and other potential partners/stakeholders.
  • Engagement with Pa. Economic Development Assn. and other agencies dedicated to supporting agriculture/forest management, travel and tourism, manufacturing, retail and other economic drivers.
  • Review options for restoration of Potter County Industrial Development Authority (being researched).

Improvement of 911 Emergency Communications System

Goals: Inspection of county 911 emergency communications towers/infrastructure to ensure reliable 24/7 coverage; assistance to local fire, ambulance, police and other public safety agencies; improved communications with local emergency service providers.

  • Contract with MCM Consulting Group Inc. to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the county’s emergency communications system and develop a technical plan for any recommended enhancements (completed).
  • Inspect county’s public safety radio communications infrastructure (towers/supplemental power sources/other infrastructure) and review dispatching services (completed).
  • Review radios, repeaters and other equipment being used by local and regional emergency response agencies to ensure compatibility and functionality with the county’s infrastructure (completed).
  • Solicit input from fire, ambulance and police agencies on their needs (completed).
  • Review county staffing/support services (completed)
  • Assessment and implementation of consultant recommendations (in progress).

Clean-up Help Available To Flood Victims

September 14th, 2024 Comments off

Clean-up help remains available for Potter County residents affected by flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Debby. Pa. Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) has partnered with a volunteer organization, Pennsylvania Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (PVOD), to provide assistance. A call center remains in place to streamline recovery efforts and coordinate relief efforts. Volunteers are available to help with removal of debris and trees as well as general clean-up activities. Details are available at 1-844-965-1386. Additional information is available from PEMA here and PVOD here.

Three Properties Sold At Annual TCB Upset Sale

September 11th, 2024 Comments off

Just three properties from an initial list of more than 200 were sold for non-payment of taxes during Monday’s Potter County Tax Claim Bureau (TCB) annual “upset sale.” Mohawk Road and Gun Club in Wharton Township was sold for $6,500. A property owned by Robert Mack on Crippen Road in West Branch Township also went for $6,500. Additionally, a camp in Ulysses Township owned by Cynthia Hanes was sold for $15,500. Proceeds from the sales will be divided by the TCB between the school district, township and county.

Typically, many properties offered at the upset sale attract little or no interest due to liens, mortgages, judgments and other title encumbrances. The five that did not sell on Monday will be offered via a judicial sale. If no bids are received, they will be placed in the county repository.

Arts/Culture Grant Awarded To Potter County

August 29th, 2024 Comments off

Potter County has been awarded a $100,000 state grant to support community and economic development through the arts. Potter was one of six successful applicants among 200 received by the Pa. Council on the Arts (PCA) for its Creative Communities Initiative. Recipients have demonstrated their ability to implement “placed-based projects with innovative and comprehensive approaches that address local challenges and opportunities.” PCA will provide $25,000 annually for four years to the Potter County Creative Council (PC3), a non-profit arts and culture organization founded in 2023. Funds will be used to make communities more vibrant and appealing for local residents and those seeking to relocate to a rural area. PC3 is relying on successful models from across the nation and a panel of rural development experts. All of the school districts in Potter County and many other partners and stakeholders have come aboard.

“PC3 will address the challenge of youth engagement and population loss by improving community vitality, promoting the county’s assets and providing opportunities for creative expression,” the state agency said in its funding announcement. “The project is rooted in deep community engagement and capitalizes on the Potter County’s unique creative assets to cultivate connectedness, livability, and economic development.”

Other grant recipients are Kane, Easton, Johnstown, Uniontown and Pittsburgh. Officials in Kane will hire an arts engagement coordinator to support public art, community festivals, and creative small businesses. According to PCA, the arts and cultural production accounted for more than $30 billion of the state’s economy in 2023 and supported more than 175,000 jobs.