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County Welcomes New Veterans Services Officer

May 30th, 2024

A second full-time position has been established in the Potter County Department of Veterans Services. On Thursday, Commissioners Nancy Grupp, Robert Rossman and Paul Heimel approved the hiring of Rene Kicklighter to fill the new Veterans Services Officer post, at the recommendation of Veterans Affairs Director Mike Pepper.

A military veteran herself, Kicklighter be participating in training from the Pa. State Assn. of Directors of Veterans Affairs to become certified to assist vets and their dependents with claims for health care and other benefits earned through their service. She will also assist with outreach and other activities. The commissioners have assigned the county maintenance team, under the direction of Joe Kurtz, to renovate the former VA Medical Clinic at the Mapleview property off Rt. 872 in east Coudersport to accommodate expanded office accommodations for the Department of Veterans Services.

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