
Archive for March 7th, 2025

County Seeking Bids For Downtown Lot Development

March 7th, 2025 Comments off

Progress continues on a plan to improve a county-owned lot in downtown Coudersport. It’s a project of the Revitalize Potter County Steering Committee, comprised of the county Planning/Community Development/GIS Department and the County Commissioners. The site is at the corner of East Second and North East streets. A $4,500 grant from the Pennsylvania Wilds Planning Team paid for the services of a landscape architect/engineer, who conducted a feasibility study and developed a conceptual design (above). Potter County later received a $41,400 state grant to help cover costs for construction of a pedestrian walkway and parking area; installation of utilities and interpretive signs; handicapped accessibility, landscaping, benches, comfort facilities and other related site improvements.

Will Hunt, director of Planning/Community Development/GIS Services, provided an update on the project at the March 6 commissioners meeting. He said a bid package for the site work is now being advertised. Assuming that a contractor’s services are secured, construction could begin as soon as late spring. Site work is Phase One of a broader plan.

Phase Two, which currently has no timetable, call for erection of multiple, semi-permanent, short-term rental spaces. Retail space would complement the Potter County Farmers Market, with occupants potentially marketing agricultural goods, prepared food, locally crafted items or other products. The committee envisions the lot becoming a gathering place where live music and other entertainment or educational programs could be presented. Similar open-air markets could be developed in Galeton, Ulysses, Roulette and other Potter County towns. Community organizations, such as chambers of commerce, would be contacted to partner with the committee. Those holding festivals and other public attractions could offer previews, such as live music “teasers,” chainsaw carving demonstrations and other promotional activities, at the market. Visitors would be directed to businesses, attractions and events in the region.

Rentals would be available at low fees. The market village could serve as an incubator for new businesses. It would provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs and small business owners to “pilot” their business idea, without running the large risk associated with a storefront. Once the business proves to be successful, the hope is it would move into an empty storefront to help revitalize the business district.

Potter County ‘America250’ Planning Moves Forward

March 7th, 2025 Comments off

Potter County is gearing up for an extended “America250” celebration, marking the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Two local organizations – the Potter County Historical Society (PCHS) and the Allegewi Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution – are already engaged. DAR members have created displays in the PCHS Museum and the Eliot Ness Museum. In May, they will place wreaths at the sites of the 11 Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Potter County. Wreaths will remain in place through July 2026. DAR members are also holding two special events to which the public is invited. On July 3, 2025, they will hold a memorial service at the Lymansville Cemetery in honor of the Revolutionary War soldiers. Plans will culminate with a rededication of the David Zeisberger monument at the courthouse square July 3, 2026. Meanwhile, PCHS is coordinating many other activities with support from a statewide organization, America250PA. A call for volunteers and details on additional events/activities will be released in the coming weeks. In the meantime, among the activities that are in the works:

Bells Across Pennsylvania.  America250PA is accepting design submissions from  artists for the ‘Bells Across Pennsylvania’ art series. Fiberglass bells will be transformed by local artists and sponsored by businesses or individuals. Goal is to place at least one bell in each county. Each commissioned bell will receive one honorarium regardless of group size.

Liberty Tree During the Revolutionary War, the Sons of Liberty often convened under the nation’s original Liberty Tree in Boston, to discuss their opposition to British rule in the colonies. This historic tree became a beacon of hope to colonists and a symbol of American freedom. Seeds from a scion of an original Liberty Tree have been grown into seedlings and are being planted across the Commonwealth. Goal is to have a certified Liberty Tree planted in each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties.

Young Heroes Outreach Program Developed to help students in grades 4-8 to learn and practice the civic leadership and skills that will help them develop into responsible, ethical citizens. This program is free-of-charge to schools. Participating teachers will receive support of an expert educator from the National Liberty Museum.

‘Pa. Proud’ Servicemember Spotlight America250PA encourages nominations for its #PAProud Servicemember Spotlight Series to bring attention to their efforts and thank them for their service. Potter County America250 volunteers are working on localized “spotlights” to memorialize selected Revolutionary War and Civil War veterans.

Keystone Classroom Initiative KCI is a storytelling and visitation program for grades K-4, children’s hospitals, and youth camps. Along with a historical re-enactor, storyteller, local celebrity, or mascot, America250PA will pay visits to educate children about our shared Pennsylvania story and share materials.

Road to Pennsylvania – 2026 America250PA is promoting walking, running, biking or wheeling through races, organized walks/hikes or other events. In partnership with the DCNR and county partners, America250PA will also highlight and encourage visitation to state parks, county parks and local historic points of interests.