
Archive for April 25th, 2024

County Reports Success In Reducing Repeat Offenders

April 25th, 2024 Comments off

Criminal justice reforms that have been implemented in Potter County are having a measurable impact in reducing crime and lowering jail populations. Details were shared during this month’s Criminal Justice Advisory Board meeting by Patrick Harris, a Potter County Human Services employee who provides re-entry services for criminal offenders. Harris reported that recidivism — a key measure of repeat offenders — has declined by five percent over the past 18 months. Additionally, inmate population at the Potter County Jail is down by approximately 33 percent from the levels of one year ago.

Harris and Judge Stephen Minor discussed the ongoing efforts to establish a state-certified Re-entry Coalition in Potter County, consisting of partners from the criminal justice system and various agencies teaming to provide those who are emerging from incarceration with the tools and services they need to succeed in society.

“For some people, the needs are many,” Harris said. “Some people are emerging with nothing. We’re putting together a team that will work together to make re-entry work in Potter County.” He added some of the most pressing needs are jobs that pay a livable wage, transportation and assistance in navigating social service programs. On a positive note, Harris added, the Women’s Residential Rehabilitation Center in Harrison Valley has reduced recidivism, as have the multiple “transformational living” temporary housing units established by the county.

Judge Minor noted that the Drug/Alcohol Treatment Court has also contributed to positive outcomes. With concurrence from the District Attorney and the Judge, some criminal offenders diagnosed with addiction can avoid incarceration by consenting to treatment and following other mandates. The judge said that two offenders recently “graduated” from Treatment Court, while two others — both females facing a third DUI charge that carried a prison sentence — had been accepted into the program.