
Archive for December 31st, 2024

Next Potter County Jail Board Meeting Friday, Jan. 3

December 31st, 2024 Comments off

Next public meeting of the Potter County Jail Board, will be held at noon on Friday, Jan. 3, at the F.W. Gunzburger County Office Building Auditorium. Among items on the agenda is a proposal by the vendor providing phone and internet services to increase the number of computer tablets available to detainees and inmates. Telephone access to Friday’s meeting is available at 814-274-0844; PIN is #114477.

Those with questions or comments about the jail are reminded that they can submit them to the board through email sent to Jail Board members are Commissioner Paul Heimel (chair), Sheriff Kevin Siska (vice chair), Commissioner Nancy Grupp (secretary), Judge Stephen Minor, District Attorney Andy Watson, and Commissioner Robert Rossman. Chief Commissioners Clerk Jessica Giebel serves as administrator.

Members of the First Seventh-Day Baptist Church of Hebron continued a Christmas  tradition, putting together plates of fresh fruit for the Potter County Jail inmates and employees. Gathering to fill 50 plates were, from left, Fay and David Hauber, Nita and Mike Eckman, Allen Hauber, Jameson Kenyon, Kent Kenyon, Rebecca Kenyon, Pearl and Bill Brock, Kevin Kenyon and Pastor Steve Hinton. (Melanie Morley photo)